Fetch the Bolt Cutters

Curated by Adeola Olakiitan

Artists: Institute of Queer Ecology, Spiral Theory Test Kitchen, Internet Teapot, Bare Minimum Collective, Vicious Collective


April 2021 

Hypercapitalism, as a more advanced form of late capitalism, continues to reveal its reliance on various forms of oppression and myth to sustain its excessive extraction and escalating plunder. Liberation, however, beckons at the other end of its sweeping dominion through long years of committed resistance and envisioning equitable futures. “Fetch the Bolt Cutters” is a counter-capitalist project (dreamwork) that stands in this constellation as a serial participatory installation and digital publication project to counter and inspire a more desirable here and now. Featuring artists and collectives Institute of Queer Ecology, Spiral Theory Test Kitchen, Internet Teapot, Bare Minimum Collective and Vicious Collective, among others, the project maps ideas, instructional artworks and materials that negate and illuminate newer articulations for immediate alternatives to life under hypercapitalism.