Was I Dreaming?

Curated by Diana Colón

Artists: Capucine Bourcart, Diana Guerra, Jun Ge

November 9 - 23, 2022

Recent efforts to speak on mental health have taken over social media platforms, resulting in a rise in therapy culture and new age spirituality. This contemporary movement of self examination and reflection manifests itself in many ways, with dream interpretation being a popular one. Was I Dreaming? examines dreams and memory through a visual narrative born from different mediums. Including photography by Jun Ge, sand and textile works by Capucine Bourcart, and video work by Diana Guerra, the show embodies the fragmentation, haziness, and separation from the remnants of a dream experience. 

Diana Guerra’s video, About Dreams and Loss (2019), speaks on her own personal experience through a dream, in which she has manipulated the film, emphasizing the details lost and unanswered questions from it. The Sandman series (2019-2021), by Capucine Bourcart, creates a language of glyphs to recount her dreams from the symbolism that appears in them. Dreamlike landscapes are formed in Jun Ge’s photographs, formed by assembling different pieces together into something that was not originally there.

Dreams are often considered in terms of their physiological and spiritual meaning, and dream interpretation has recently regained popularity through social media. However, Was I Dreaming? works with the phenomenon of remembering dreams and how their information can be lost after waking. It is when dream information is lost in translation that one can examine their relationship to the images of their subconscious. The exhibition invites everyone to view this collection of dreams and access their own experience in the process.