<CTRL + SHIFT 1.vv> Organized by Kate Benedict


<Ctrl + Shift 1.vv> is a virtual feminist and queer platform dedicated to disrupting the well-oiled machinery of our white, cis-male, hyper-tech world. As a site for workshops, podcasts & video screenings, <Ctrl + Shift 1.vv> hopes to pave the way for a more equitable virtual and informational sphere.

Video Works by Zach Blas, Morehshin Allahyari, Tabita Rezaire, and Paul Wiersbinski

Tuesday, April 14–Tuesday, April 30

The <Ctrl + Shift 1.vv> platform opens with a two-week film screening enacting the demands of techno-feminist, queer, and postcolonial theorists seeking to break and remake our technological world. To renegotiate a queer, feminist, and postcolonial digital infrastructure, the selected films counter traditional dichotomies (male/female, mind/body, objectivity/subjectivity, object/subject, human/machine, documentary/fiction) grounding western concepts of science, knowledge, and technology.

Feminist Data Set Workshop

Saturday, April 18, 1 p.m. EST

Machine learning designer/user researcher, artist, and digital anthropologist Caroline Sinders leads a lecture on methods of creating a collaborative feminist dataset. In a participatory Zoom conversation, Sinders’s Feminist Data Set Workshop will look at multiple methods of data collection and debate what data taxonomies and criteria for inclusion mean for the development of a feminist dataset. Please sign up in advance for the workshop at www.ctrlshift.club.

Durational Feminist Reading Group

Saturday, May 2, 1 p.m. EST

Sign up online at www.ctrlshift.club for the Durational Feminist Reading Group, an interdisciplinary exchange on current technological discourses and their potentials. This reading group takes its form from the “women’s circles” of the past—women-only spaces born out of our increasingly secular-liberal society of the early twentieth century. The Reading Group resolutely sets out to cherish intuitive and heterogeneous approaches, accounting for the side of the user(s) and the technologically vulnerable. The Feminist Reading Group Reader is available online but no advance reading is required as selected texts will be read aloud during the meeting. Please sign up for the Reading Group in advance at www.ctrlshift.club.

<Ctrl + Shift 1.vv> Podcast Series

Saturday, May 2

A podcast series focuses on conversations between artists engaging with the layered historical dynamics woven into technology and contemporary culture. Conversations will focus on oppressive algorithmic models and data discrimination, giving special attention to our deepening reliance on the technology industry's largest companies amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

